Wednesday 15 February 2012

iPad 3 Announcement Coming March 7

We have a news for Apple lovers, now we have news about iPad 3 announcement.

It’s been quite a busy Monday evening since our daily recap was put to bed, particularly for those waiting on the rumored iPad 3 next month. A rumor about the announcement date was quickly confirmed, followed by additional confirmation that the next iPad will come packing 4G LTE for AT&T and Verizon.

MacRumors has collected a volley of Monday night rumors about the next iPad, with iMore reporting that the announcement itself will be held on Wednesday, March 7, 2012 -- just a hair over three weeks from today. That date was just as quickly confirmed by Jim Dalrymple over at The Loop, who quoted the iMore post and replied with a simple “Yep.” Given Dalrymple’s own sources inside Apple, that’s probably all the confirmation one should need.

But the guessing game doesn’t end there! The iPad 3 has widely been rumored to come packing 4G LTE radios, which The Wall Street Journal is confirming with a report also published on Monday night.

“Verizon Communications Inc. and AT&T Inc. will sell a version of the coming iPad that runs on their newest fourth-generation wireless networks, according to people familiar with the matter, as the battle to cash in on big investments in mobile broadband heats up,” the report reads. “Apple Inc. appears to be planning to announce the latest version of its tablet computer in the first week of March, according to another person briefed on the matter. Whether other carriers will also sell the device couldn't be learned.”

The real question is how the next iPad will handle traditional 3G, given that LTE hasn’t gained any significant traction overseas to date. The report notes that a 4G LTE-equipped iPad would automatically switch to a “slower network technology” (presumably 3G or even EDGE, where available) when LTE isn’t available.

You probably already know the rest of the iPad 3 story: 2048x1536 Retina Display, quad-core A6 processor and likely beefed up GPU. Is that credit card in your wallet or purse getting warm yet…?

Sunday 12 February 2012

Retina Ready: Apple’s New Year’s Resolution?

In a few weeks, Apple will unveil the next generation iPad, John Packowski of AllThingsD confirms today. If history (and carrier code) is any indication, it should go on sale shortly after that. Maybe even just a few days later. And that’s interesting because it doesn’t give developers a lot of time to prepare. And they’ll want to prepare for the higher resolution “Retina” display that the device will pack.

The situation is similar to the Summer of 2010. That year at WWDC, Apple unveiled the iPhone 4, the first device to feature a Retina display. That conference took place on June 7. The iPhone 4 first went on sale on June 24 — two and a half weeks later. That timeframe allowed some developers to get their apps Retina-ready, but for many it took quite a bit longer. Again, this year, the window may be even more condensed.

But as Steve Jobs noted at the iPhone 4 unveiling, the Retina display made existing apps “look even better”. One reason for this is that the version of iOS that shipped with the device automatically rendered text to be optimized for the new display. Expect the same for the Retina iPad. But Jobs also noted that apps which updated to higher-resolution artwork would look “stunning”. “We suggest that you do that,” he said at the time.

And that will undoubtedly be the suggestion again. Luckily, because the Retina display iPad has been rumored for a long time and because many developers remember the initial Retina transition, some developers have jumped the gun and prepared the graphics in their iPad apps to be Retina-ready as well.

The first two iPads had a resolution of 1024 x 768 — which actually isn’t all that far from the Retina display iPhone resolution of 960 x 640. The new iPad will have a resolution of 2048 x 1536. Earlier this week, it was revealed that Apple was now requiring developers to submit Retina-level screenshots of their apps to the App Store (for new apps, at least). Some assumed this was related to the gradual fade out of the iPhone 3GS. But it may also be related to this new iPad. Because Apple allows the iPad to run iPhone/iPod touch apps with the option to scale them up 2x, non-Retina iPhone apps (480 × 320) will undoubtedly look pretty bad on the Retina iPad.

Given how many visually-focused apps there are for the iPad, some developers are worried how their apps will look on the new device. Apple, of course, isn’t talking yet. While there may be a handful of larger developers that will get an early peek at (or a heads up on) the Retina iPad, most will get to see the thing the same time the rest of us do — on stage in early March.

Some aren’t just worried about the iPad either. Rumors have been circulating for a few months that Apple may also be on the verge of launching high-resolution Mac displays. It’s looking increasingly likely that Apple will do a one-two high-resolution punch with high-res Macs (probably MacBook Pros or maybe even a new MacBook Air) and Retina iPads in the coming weeks.

Recent code changes in OS X with added HiDPI support suggest the former may be coming very soon.

If you think a 2048 x 1536 iPad sounds great, think about a 2880×1800 MacBook. Unlike resolution changes in the past, elements on the screen wouldn’t get smaller, they’d just get crisper. But to take advantage of all those pixels, Mac developers will also have their work cut out for them updating all the graphical elements in their apps.

My suggestion is that developers get ready. The future is looking crisp.

Access iOS 5′s Notification Center From Your Lock Screen With Bulletin

One of my favorite features about IntelliscreenX is the fact that you can access your notification center from your lock screen. I don’t use the popular tweak anymore, it was too much for me. And that’s really the only element I miss.

Since I dropped Intelliscreenx, I’ve been looking for a developer to come up with a standalone jailbreak tweak to enable lock screen notification center access. And finally, it’s here. Introducing Bulletin…

From developer Ma Jun comes Bulletin, a simple utility for enabling iOS 5′s notification center from your lock screen. This way you can access all of your useful notification center widgets without needing to unlock your device.

The tweak comes with a handful of options, accessible from the Settings application. You can turn lock screen notification center access off and on, and enable/disable window transparency.

For the most part, Bulletin works as advertised. I’ve noticed that the notification center sticks from time to time, but it’s nothing in comparison with the convenience of having access to my notification center widgets from my lock screen.

If you want to check out Bulletin, it’s available in the Cydia Store, BigBoss repo, for $0.99.

Have you tried out Bulletin yet?

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Apple Makes it Mandatory For iPhone App Developers to Submit Retina Display Screenshots

Apple has notified developers of iOS Developer program to only upload images for Retina Display for their iPhone and iPod touch apps while submitting them to the App Store.

Prior to this, developers could upload images for Retina Display, but it was not a mandatory requirement.

Apple has issued the following notification:

Required iPhone & iPod touch Screenshot Upgrade for Retina Display

When you create or update your apps in iTunes Connect, you must upload screenshots that are high-resolution. We require your screenshots as high-resolution images so that your app is optimized for the Retina display.

The requirements for high-resolution images are 960 x 640, 960 x 600, 640 x 960, or 640 x 920 pixels. Images must be at least 72 dpi, in the RGB color space, and the file must be .jpeg, .jpg, .tif, .tiff, or .png. You can update your screenshot files at any time in iTunes Connect.

Developers need to meet this new requirement even when they submit an update for their existing apps. While this could well be a house-keeping exercise to ensure that the images in the App Store look good on iOS devices like iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S with Retina display, it has also led to speculation that iPhone 3GS may not be around much longer.

We don't agree. While we expect Apple to phase out iPhone 3GS when it launches the next generation iPhone, we don't think Apple will stop supporting iPhone 3GS so soon. Also screenshots are used in the App Store and has no bearing on the support for a particular device.

What do you think?

Google Chrome For iOS Isn’t Ruled Out

In case you haven't heard, Google just launched the Chrome browser for Android. It is free, in beta and available for all Ice Cream Sandwich (Android 4.0) devices.

Since Chrome has made the move to mobile devices, MG Siegler wonders about a similar version for iOS.

When he asked Google SVP from Chrome, Sundar Pichai, about Chrome for iOS, his reply was:

“It’s a tough question for us.”

His response isn't really hard to decrypt. Given Apple's strict policies of disallowing any code interpreters on the App Store, Google's engineers can't port their V8 JavaScript engine for iOS. The V8 engine is primarily responsible for the speed Chrome is famous for. Another possible limitation could be non availability of public APIs to enable GPU acceleration.

There is, however, a silver lining despite these problems. As Siegler notes, Chrome and Safari are both based on WebKit, the open source web browser engine. Both Apple and Google contribute code to the project. So even if, theoretically, Chrome for iOS ends up being just a wrapper around a UIWebView, Google does have a bunch of features that make it a killer for iOS devices especially for users who use Chrome on their desktop.

One such feature could be Sync. Chrome for Android implements sync really well, as per Siegler's description. In addition to data like bookmarks, saved passwords etc., Chrome syncs opened tabs across multiple devices. Apple, for all its efforts around simplifying the Cloud, has failed to provide any such mechanism. The nearest to this is, "Reading List," which isn't all that good.

Mozilla does provide a syncing solution for iOS called Firefox Home, but it's not that good.

Siegler adds:

It would be fantastic to get some of the Mobile Chrome UI elements on iOS. For one thing, the multi-tab experience is much better (and sort of Apple-like) [on Chrome for Andorid].

Google's revenues directly depend on searches, which in turn to some extent depends on its penetration of the mobile browser market. And although Android devices may have a larger marketshare, almost every report on web browsing released up till now concludes that iOS users spend a lot more time online than Android users. Google wouldn't want to let go of this lucrative share of users that surf the web a lot more than their counterparts.

Ironically, the Chrome browser is currently available only to 1 percent Android users who have an Ice Cream Sandwich device.

Siegler's impressions of the browser after a few days of usage are positive. Although he did notice a few kinks, Google's rapid update cycle would iron them out quickly.

We'd be thrilled to have Chrome on our iPhone and iPad. What about you?

[via MG Siegler's blog]

Tuesday 7 February 2012

iPhone 4S Pushed Apple Store Sales Through the Roof Last Quarter

When Steve Jobs unveiled the first Apple Store back in 2001, critics laughed at him. Many believed that Jobs’ plan to open retail stores on prime real estate to spotlight Apple’s products would send the company into bankruptcy.

But as we all know, things didn’t quite play out that way. As with a majority of its other endeavors, Apple’s retail chain is the best, and most lucrative in the business. And thanks to the recent iPhone 4S launch, the best just got better…

Fortune passes on some interesting numbers from analyst Charlie Wolf regarding Apple Store sales during its monster $47 billion quarter. The three month period started in October, and ended December 31st of last year.

  • Revenue per store: $17.08 million (up $5 million from 2010)
  • Same store sales up 42.6% year over year
  • Vistors per store up 15.3% year over year
  • International sales: 58% of Apple’s worldwide total
  • Stores at the end of the quarter: 361
The report mentions another interesting fact: Apple Stores average a staggering $8,133 in sales per square foot (store sales/store square footage). To put this number in perspective, Tiffany’s, a high-end jewelry store, brings in an average $2,974 per square foot. Wow.

As we’ve said before, Apple’s freakish quarter was the result of a number of things. Not only was it the holidays (including Black Friday), but there was also pent up consumer demand for Apple’s new iPhone — the iPhone 4S.

The true test will be if Apple can continue to churn out impressive results, without any of the above-mentioned factors. Seriously, how long can it keep posting these ridiculous numbers?

Halliburton to Switch Entire Company From BlackBerry to iOS This Year

Halliburton, based out of Houston, Texas, is one of the largest energy services companies in the world. It has operations in more than 70 countries and employs over 60,000 people.

Given that information, you can see why it’s such a big deal that the company has recently announced its intentions to ditch RIM’s BlackBerry platform in favor of the iPhone and iOS…

AppleInsider has learned that Halliburton plans to phase out thousands of employee BlackBerrys in favor of Apple’s popular handset. The news comes from an internal company newsletter that was sent out earlier this month.

“Over the next year, we will begin expanding the use of our mobile technology by transitioning from the BlackBerry (RIM) platform that we currently use to smartphone technology via the iPhone…”

…The move comes after “significant research” into both Apple’s mobile platform and Google’s Android operating system led Halliburton to “determine that the iOS platform offered the best capabilities, controls and security for application development.”

RIM, who at one time dominated the market, has seen much of its enterprise business slip away over the past 12 months. Many companies, like Halliburton, have dropped their BlackBerry devices for ones running Apple’s iOS.

With a new CEO at the helm, it’ll be interesting to see if RIM can make any kind of comeback. But one thing is for sure, it can’t afford to lose many more big name clients.

Sunday 5 February 2012

iPhone 4S Problem List

As you all knows iPhone 4S now available for almost 30 countries, peoples giving lots of love to iPhone 4S by buying in huge quantity. Very first day of Pre-Order iPhone 4S has been sold out with in 24 hours. And day by day it’s popularity increasing.

Well the iPhone 4S is different from other smart phone, there are lots of features which dose not have any smart phone, that is the reason people more attracting iPhone 4S. Then also some people have complaint about iPhone 4S which is related to it’s battery life and many things which are mention as following;

- Siri Security Flaw

- Siri Can not connect to Network

- Mute Button Relocation

- Short Battery Life

- Yellowgate

- iOS 5 Error 3200

- Calendar and personal information simply by speaking into it and activating Siri without a passcode

- Problem with iCloud Download & Upgrade

This all are the problem face by general iPhone 4S Users, we hope Apple will fix very soon all the above Problems and Bugs. If you have any problem with i[phone 4S and which is not mention in the above list then you can comment on the box we will add your problem letter.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Download Redsn0w 0.9.10b5 to Fix iBook Issue

Redsn0w 0.9.10b5 Is Now available for Download for Windows and Mac to Fix the Ibook issue on iphone 4/3GS. some user has complaint about iBook DRM issue after jailbreak with Corona.The problem was that images and text were being displayed incorrectly in the DRM protected books.

Most of User Facing this Ibook issue, in this user are not bale to read any text or photos (images), becase it was been protected by the Digital Rights Management (DRM) technologies. Now is the time for you to fix all these issues pertaining to your iBooks DRM issue.

Redsn0w version b5 incorporates yet another fix for iBooks, this time involving DRM. @planetbeing wrote a utility called “crazeles” that overcomes jailbreak detection by iBooks that would cause about 10% of images to show incorrectly. This fix is similar to the “hunnypot” fix that @comex wrote for the 4.x jailbreak. As usual, you can choose to install the fix either by re-running redsn0w over your existing jailbreak (de-select Cydia if you do that), or by installing the corona package from Cydia (it’s the same set of files no matter which way you choose).

With this Release you can Easily Solve the Ibook Issue on your iphone,please note that Redsn0w 0.9.10b5 is only work on A4 Device like ipad 1,iphone 4,iphone 3G. A5 Device can be jailbreak with Absinthe.

Download Redsn0w 0.9.10b5 :

Download Redsn0w 0.9.10b5 for Windows

Redsn0w 0.9.10b5 For Mac