Monday 31 October 2011

How to Make iPhone Apps With No Programming Experience

Think you’ve got the next Great iPhone App idea?

We can show you how to get it made without any programming experience at all.

- Want to be part of a multi-billion dollar industry that anyone can get into?

- Don’t have 10,000 hours to get really good at Objective C & Adobe CS5?

- Don’t want to buy the expensive software and equipment needed to be your own developer?

- Want to earn passive income on the side without giving up your day job?

- Want to be like us and give up your day job and just make great app ideas a reality?

- If you answered yes, then we may be able to help you.

We can show you how can turn your iPhone app idea into a reality, without needing any programming knowledge, or buying expensive equipment and complicated software.

It really is amazing how easy it actually is once you figure it out.

We’ve turned our app ideas from thoughts and sketches to create and maintain an $800,000 per year business without ever having to design or program them ourselves. We spent a lot of time and hassle figuring out how to put everything together and have managed to build something amazing starting from nothing. Now we want to share our experience with you!

They say it takes 10,000 hours to get really good at something, that’s over 416 full days without taking any time to eat, sleep, or in fact do anything other than learning and practicing 24/7 for over a year. Not just learning to program in Objective C (the language used by Apple’s operating system), but also having to design the App’s graphics as well in programs such as Adobe Photoshop CS5.

I don’t know about you, but we really didn’t have the time or patience to learn to do all this things really well from scratch. Like you we have full time jobs and studies. We just had great ideas that we thought would be cool to share with people. So we figured out a better way to get it done.

Now we spent our time doing what you should be doing. That is coming up with great app ideas that we think people need, can use, get a good laugh out of, or be entertained by.

Think you’ve got a good idea? Don’t waste it by limiting yourself thinking that you don’t know how to actually make an iPhone App. Neither did we, and now we have 22 of them.

You see, we were just like you once. We had great ideas, but didn’t know how to create an app or get it published in the App Store. Yet we kept hearing about some amazing stories of people raking in massive amounts of cash from iPhone apps. You’ve probably heard of some of these apps yourself like Doodle Jump or Angry Birds. We wondered if it was really that hard to break into this industry.

Then we heard about this app called iFart and that changed everything for us. iFart made over $27,000 in just one day over Christmas 2008, it sold over 350,000 copies in the first two months of release and is now one of the most successful apps ever made.
It was at that this point we decided to begin our quest. If someone could really make so much from an app that plays fart noises, we knew we could get a piece of this action with our ideas. We poured over every book, article, FAQ and blog to hunt down information on creating apps. We tried learning the programming and the designing, asking questions and seeking any tip or strategy that could help us.

In the end, we almost gave up! It was simply too much to handle along with full-time work and studies.

Even though the web is swamped with tutorials and instructions on making apps, the problem with them was that they all seem to assume you already know how to program, and enjoy sitting tied to a screen debugging and testing code. Some people seem to enjoy that and we found much expert advice, but this was not what we liked doing. We enjoy coming up with ideas, not spending weeks coding and designing.
Then it occurred to us. There really are many experts out there making iPhone apps every day, though they weren’t coming up with ideas themselves. They were making apps based on someone else’s idea!

So what did we do rather than give up? It was very simple really. We outsourced.

2 Years, 22 Apps, and 27 million Downloads later

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